Classico (Honeydew): 011 704 6493 | Botanico (Bryanston): 011 463 0207 | Steyn City: 011 568 2651

Café del Sol – A team of Supermen!!

You may have noticed that this year has been characterised by a relatively high turnover of managers in our stores. To say that “We are Hiring” would be an understatement. These are a few of the characteristics which we look for when interviewing for new team members!supermanchef1
To begin with being OCD is not a bad thing, but just enough so that every essential detail does not escape you, not so much that you want to tidy up a guests cutlery while they are still using it!! This manifests itself in the will to stamp on the desire to take those shortcuts that you have seen on those YouTube videos which you have been secretly using to upgrade your all round skills. Of course you will need to be a food styling genius and of course be a great photographer because who can afford those guys anyway and don’t forget you are a whizz at social media and know the difference between the Facebook, Twitter, Flip-flop, Instachat or whatever the latest social media platform is.

Great knife skills won’t go amiss, even managers should possess the knife skills of a Samurai warrior; garnish can run out at any time, with no good reason!!

If you don’t possess a legend of oven burn scars on your arms we know you have never been close to the heat of the kitchen, we are not judging that, just saying that we know where you have been and what you have been up to.

The “P” word, yes we know what you are all thinking but we are talking about palate!! The need to discern the great from the…well, Yuk…and the bitter from the sickeningly sweet is a skill not just limited to our chefs. We expect all of our team to have the palate of Marco-Pierre White!! It’s not unreasonable…surely?!
But the list of skills does not end here, now we look for the inner barista whose latte art would be unrivalled even in the best Seattle coffee houses and the skill of a Sommelier whose ability to sell R800-00 bottles of long stored red wine should never be underestimated. And of course if there was a little of legendary pastry chef Adriano Zumbo hiding in there, how could we not go wrong!!

So just when we think we have a fine young prospect within our grasp willing to work the hours the question has to be asked “Just how good is your Mixed Martial Arts?” Because you might be needed in the bar when the patrons get stroppy at 2am or you have to deal with your first dine and dash incident!!

Finally we want to know how well you have travelled, yes almost to the point where you may not have worked at all, because we want you to bring your worldly experiences to our establishment.

If you actually possess all of these awesome attributes then really, you should be running a 500 seater restaurant in Singapore, but come and apply anyway!!