Take a look at our latest creation. Our very own food trailer. We thought that before we even started thinking about further expansion and how we might like to do that we would take our food and philosophy on the road.
The kick off thought in the development process was how we might “give back” and how we could bring our own “flavour” to charitable causes.
After a long discussion with the team we decided that our own trailer was the right way to go as we would then be able to combine those goals with opportunities to put Café del Sol in different spaces such as charitable events, fundraisers, festivals, markets, even your own home, and bring our food to new places.
We tested our capacity gently with a small “Reach for a Dream” event where we provided snacks for young children who were on an outing and the resulting emotions convinced us that at least in that respect we are on the right path.
For those of who are connected into the type of events just mentioned here we encourage you to make contact with either your local store manager or Inge our Group Marketing Manager (marketing@cafedelsol.co.za) or of course Chiara (Chiara@cafedesol.co.za) and our trailer could be on its way to your location.
There is no doubt that we will have to play with our menus in order to bring what we would characterise as Café del Sol “street food” to a wider market and we look forward to doing just that! We also suspect that there are many out there who would like to see us test our boundaries with this trailer so please feel free to ask us if we are happy to try something new. You might be surprised.